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NEW YORK (Reuters) - International Business Machines Corp. said Tuesday it had developed the world's most advanced quantum computers, devices based on the properties of the mysterious quantum physics of atoms that allow them to work together as a computer processor and memory. IBM said the computer, the which uses five Atoms to work as its processor and memory, demonstrates for the first time the potential of Such devices perform certain to solve problems at a rate faster Than remarkably conventional computers. IBM said the computer, which uses five atoms to work as a processor and memory, showed for the first time the potential of these devices to solve specific problems at a rate very much faster than conventional computers. The experimental machine is Considered the Next Step Towards a new class of devices capable of superfast Calculations. Experimental machine is considered as a next step toward a new class of device capable of super-fast calculations. "A quantum computer eventually Could be Used for practical purposes Such as database searches - for example searching the Web Could Be sped up a great deal - but probably not for more Mundane tasks Such as word processing," said Isaac Chuang, the IBM WHO researcher led the team of scientists from IBM, Stanford University and the University of Calgary. "A quantum computer could eventually be used for practical purposes such as searching a database - such as searching the Web can be speeded up a lot - but maybe not for more common tasks like word processing," said Isaac Chuang, the IBM researcher who led the team of scientists from IBM, Stanford University and the University of Calgary. A quantum computer Could Also be Used for cryptography, or the making and breaking of codes. Quantum computer can also be used for cryptography, or making and breaking codes. This has drawn the interest of the U.S. National Security Administration and the Department of Defense, the which are funding Stanford's Efforts to build the quantum computer. This has attracted interest from U.S. National Security Administration and Department of Defense, which funds efforts to Stanford to build a quantum computer. The current method of creating processors, the which are increasingly Becoming Smaller and more powerful as described by an axiom known as Moore's Law, is expected to reach a barrier Sometime in the next decade or so. The method is currently creating a processor, which becomes increasingly smaller and more powerful as described by the axiom known as Moore's Law, is expected to reach the barrier at any time in the next decade or more. This process, lithography, earnest not allow for the creation of microchips the size of molecules, PROMPTING Researchers to try to build computers by using the genetic strands or tiny other developing technologies. This process, lithography, will not allow the creation of a microchip the size of the molecule, prompting researchers to try to build a computer by using strands of genetic or develop other small technologies. "Nowhere Begins Quantum computing Moore's Law ends - about the year 2020, Pls circuit features are predicted to be the size of Atoms and molecules," said Chuang. "Quantum computing begins where Moore's Law ends - about the year 2020, when the circuit is expected to feature sizes of atoms and molecules," said Chuang. "Indeed, the basic elements of quantum computers are Atoms and molecules." "Indeed, the basic elements of quantum computers are atoms and molecules." Chuang said in an interview his team That Used the test quantum computer to solve a typical Used in cryptography and mathematical problems - finding the period of a function. Chuang said in an interview that his team uses test quantum computers to solve mathematical problems commonly used in cryptography - find the period of a function. The computer was Able to solve any example of the problem in one step, while a conventional computer Would require repeated cycles to solve the problem. Computers are able to solve the example problems in one step, whereas a conventional computer would require repeated cycles to solve the problem. Chuang said the experiment showed the viability of the quantum computer. Chuang said the experiment showed the viability of a quantum computer. "I think this experiment shows, We Are on a pathway the which is predictable and understandable, that quantum computers will from be useful someday," he said. "I think this study shows that we are on track can be predicted and understood, that quantum computers would be useful someday," he said. The quantum computer is based on the spin of an electron or atomic nucleus, and the strange properties of quantum particles in the which cans They spin in different directions simultaneously if They are not observed. Quantum computer is based on the spin of electrons or atomic nuclei, and bizarre nature of quantum particles in which they can rotate simultaneously in different directions if they are not observed. When the spin of a particle is up, the atoms cans be read as a one, and the spin down cans be read as a zero, corresponding to the digital ones and zeros That form the binary language of traditional computers. When the spin of a particle is up, the atoms can be read as one, and spin down can be read as a zero, in accordance with the digital ones and zeros that make up the traditional computer binary language. Such devices use transistors, the which are turned on and off to Represent the ones and zeros. these devices using transistors, which turned on and off to represent the ones and zeros. What makes quantum computers unique, however, Is That quantum particles cans Also be in a state of "superposition" - spinning simultaneously up and down. What makes quantum computers a unique, however, is that quantum particles can also be in a state of "superposition" - spinning simultaneously up and down. "Due to Their small size and if They are very well isolated, Theys cans be spinning up and down at the Same time," said Chuang. "Because of its small size and if they are very well insulated, they can spin up and down at the same time," said Chuang. Would Represent this state both zero and one and everything in Between. This condition would represent both zero and one and everything in between. Instead of solving the problem by adding all the numbers in order, a quantum computer Would add all the numbers at the Same time. Rather than solve the problem by adding all the numbers in sequence, a quantum computer would add all the numbers at the same time. This phenomenon permits a quantum computer to have enormous power, Chuang said. This phenomenon allows the quantum computer to have a large force, said Chuang. For perform certain types of Calculations, like complex algorithms for cryptography or searches - a quantum computer using more installments Hundred Atoms in tandem would be Able to perform billions of Calculations at the Same time. For some types of calculations, such as complex algorithms for cryptography or searches - the quantum computer by using a few hundred more atoms together will be able to perform billions of calculations at the same time. However, it is unclear Pls Such a computer would be commercially available. However, it is unclear when such computers would be available commercially. Chuang said it is expected That Between seven and 10 Atoms will from be Used in tandem in more advanced quantum computers Within the next two years. Chuang said it is expected that between seven and 10 atoms will be used together in the more advanced quantum computer within the next two years. Copyright 2000 Reuters. Copyright 2000 Reuters. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. This material May not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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